Mother Earth Pranic Healing Center

Pranic Energy Healing is not replace of orthodox treatments rather complement it


Pranic recuperating is a straightforward yet ground-breaking and viable arrangement of no touch energy mending began and created by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. It depends on the essential rule that the body is a self-fixing living substance that has the inborn capacity to recuperate itself. Pranic recuperating chips away at the rule that the mending cycle is quickened by expanding the existence power or indispensable energy on the influenced aspect of the physical body. Pranic recuperating is applied on the bio plasmic body known as the emanation, or energy body, which is shape or blue print that encompasses and interpenetrates the physical body. This energy body assimilates life energy and conveys it all through the physical body, to the muscles, organs, organs, and so forth The explanation pranic recuperating takes a shot at the energy body is that physical sicknesses initially show up as lively disturbances in the air before showing as issues in the physical body. You can figure out how to perform pranic recuperating on yourself and your friends and family in amazing outcome arranged workshops.

In pranic recuperating there are two fundamental standards, the purging and invigorating of the patient's energy body with prana. It is by purifying or eliminating the sick energy from the influenced chakra and the infected organ, and empowering them with adequate prana that recuperating is cultivated. These two essential standards are the very establishment of pranic recuperating. Contingent upon the specific state of the patient, alleviation from torment or halfway recuperating frequently happens immediately. Regularly patients who experience such brisk outcomes are dazzled to the point that they study to become pranic healers themselves.

Anybody more than 16 years old can learn Pranic Healing. It doesn't need any exceptional aptitudes or earlier information. Learning and rehearsing pranic recuperating takes as much focus as perusing a paper! Pranic mending is effectively utilized and rehearsed in more than 85 nations and various recuperating focuses over the world

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Meet Saseendharan

Certified Pranic Healer
Pranic Cord Healer, Trainer,Arhatic Yogi
Vaasthu Saastra and Fengshui International Consultant
Universal Energy Healer

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Benefits of Pranic Energy Healing and Arhatic Yoga spreads in All Areas of Life...

A few of them are

➢ Improved Health and Increased Stamina
➢ Inner Peace and Happiness
➢ Better Memory and Concentration
➢ Rapid Spiritual Growth
➢ Reduced Stress
➢ Better Interpersonal Skills
➢ Greater Self-Esteem
➢ Generate Good Karma

Miracles of Pranic Cord Healing, Accident wound got Healed within 2 sessions of Distance Healing.





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